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Total Bots

Find the best bots for your server. DefaultBotNames bots found with %tag tag.
Backup Bot
Backup Bot Online |   Votes: 0 Moderation Dashboard Utility
Te permite crear copias de seguridad de tu servidor de discord con gran facilidad
Fracture Offline |   Votes: 0 Moderation Fun Logging
Fracture, A Simple Bot For Moderation, Utility, And AI
Raziex Offline |   Votes: 0 Moderation Fun Guard 2 more
Moderation, Utility, Fun, Logging And AI! The Only Bot For Every Solution!
Shard Online |   Votes: 0 Moderation Fun Utility
A moderation discord bot thats still in development to get a multipurpose discord bot
Cadia Online |   Votes: 0 Moderation Fun Economy 2 more
👑 Cadia - A multipurpose and RPG Discord Bot | 40+ Commands and 9.2k Members. Growth is still commencing! 💪
Novaplex Store
Novaplex Store Online |   Votes: 0 Moderation Fun Anime 4 more
Zenith is an all-in-one tool with AI integration, moderation features, community interaction, menus, systems
Earnify Offline |   Votes: 0 Moderation Fun Minecraft 17 more
Earnify is a Discord bot designed to gamify server interactions, offering users a virtual economy experience.
Wampas Offline |   Votes: 0 Moderation Fun Invite 4 more
Wampas is, your all-in-one bot! From generating images, custom welcomes to music, mod tools and a unique level system + more fun commands...
aura Offline |   Votes: 0 Moderation Guard Utility
Myst Bot is a Discord server security tool, providing anti-nuke, anti-link, and much more.
Hikaari Online |   Votes: 0 Moderation Fun Economy 5 more
Featuring a variety of commands and features including entertainment, moderation, ticket management, music, leveling system, and giveaways